
Feeling stuck, unsure, doubting yourself, frustrating with how certain aspects of your life are going? It happens even to the "smartest" and "most put-together" of us. Sometimes you just need those extra pair of eyes and someone who will help you hold yourself accountable. Discover the power and energy that already lies within you. 

I offer the following coaching services:

  • Life Coaching - Let's tackle those unhelpful, repetitive behavior patterns, develop healthier relationships, and pop that "imposter syndrome" bubble once and for all! I'm 100% on your side, all the way, but if you're looking for someone who's going to tell you you're always right, you might want to look elsewhere. Sometimes being on your side means a gentle confrontation with uncomfortable truths. We'll focus on the obstacles that consistently get in the way of the life you are meant to live. 
  • Recovery Coaching - Let's get one thing straight: I won't be your sponsor. But if you are looking for someone to talk with about staying sober and making deep and meaningful changes to your life, I can help you do that. I am familiar with AA but won't push it on you. 
  • Spiritual Coaching - This is really life and/or recovery coaching with a spiritual lens. How do you want your spirituality or religion to show up in your life? Is there something you'd like to cultivate more of? Just to be clear, I won't replace clergy and I do not provide spiritual direction, but I can help you clarify the role of spirituality in your life, and we can discuss your values, life ambitions and difficulties in terms of that spirituality. My spirituality is my own, and I am not here to foist anything on you--it's all about how you want to apply your spiritual values to your life. And if your past experience with spirituality or a religious institution has been negative, we can deal with that, too.

A 40-minute coaching session with me costs $80.


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Office Hours



9:00 pm-8:00 pm


9:00 am-8:00 pm


9:00 pm-8:00 pm


9:00 am-8:00 pm


9:00 am-2:00 pm





Please feel free to contact me!

[email protected] - (760) 457-0746